
Bust the 5 Most Common Solar Myths with Ravolt

Jun 17, 2021

There was a time when off-grid solar power wasn’t feasible for everyone. The size. The installation. The logistics of it all. But the key word is “WAS” because RaVolt has now broken down every barrier that was stopping people from gaining grid and energy independence.

Here are some common reasons people like you are skeptical of off-grid solar power and how RaVolts patented new technology eliminates it.

Myth #1: I have to connect the utility to my new home, and pay for costly utility connection fees and easements.

Fact: RaVolt lets you power new and existing homes fully or partially off-grid, no matter where they are. Location is no problem for us when setting you up to manage your own power. In many instances, it’s also actually cheaper than trying to bring utility power to where you are, plus there are no monthly electric bills after installation! We can even install BEFORE you build the house and power your work during construction, or power your RV while you oversee the work.

Myth #2: It takes too long to install.

Fact: We’ve simplified every process possible, which means it usually only takes ONE DAY to install everything. And we design the system to keep the solar power and battery equipment installed away from your home, consolidated into a small, climate-controlled enclosure.

Myth #3: Off-grid solar power is unreliable.

Fact: Traditional utilities are becoming less reliable but our off-grid solution has redundant backup power sources included. With RaVolt, your system automatically and seamlessly switches to your home’s next backup source (like a generator or the local utility). So even in the rare instance that there’s a major weather event and the sun doesn’t provide enough energy to charge your batteries, your whole house stays fully powered up.

Myth #4: I’ll have to change my way of life if I go off the power grid.

Fact: RaVolt is designed to support your home and your lifestyle, so you don’t have to change a thing. Our on or off-grid system designs are customized based on your home’s current power and energy-use profile, so you’ll be able to live how you like. And, going off-grid for power doesn’t have to mean living in the middle of nowhere (although we help with that, too). We’re all about giving you grid independence, providing refuge from the utility company and offering a resilient power source that operates seamlessly for you and your family.

Myth #5: It costs too much.

Fact: RaVolt used years of utility-scale construction techniques to streamline and patent our product, and adapt our highly efficient construction process, making our whole home power solution the best solution on the market. We use the latest and most robust technology, to minimize components and costs. For example, the lithium iron phosphate battery technology we use is designed for deep cycling regularly, which means it allows for full sun use during the day and maximum battery capacity use at night.

Our system is even eligible for a federal tax credit and potential depreciation benefits for qualified buyers, and State and local incentives in some areas. Our independent, safe, and reliable power solution is shattering myths